English for employees

online with Rosetta Stone

Learn English for work! Language training via the Rosetta Stone language learning plattform. 

You need a licence for your online access to the Rosetta Stone learning system.
There are three types of licences: bronze, silver, gold.

Bronze: test function, e-learning, reporting
Silver: like bronze, plus live group tutoring
Gold: like silver, plus 1:1 live tutoring

The licence is valid for one year. Costs: Bronze € 179, Silver € 469, Gold € 679

Would you like to know more about the different online language courses? Then feel free to send an e-mail to training@iwis.com.

Otherwise start your language learning with the training request. After the permission of your training request your licence will be ordererd and you will get the necessary information to login in the Rosetta Stone learning platform.

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